It’s easier to share money nowadays thanks to peer-to-peer payment apps. Many apps or app features let you send or receive funds fast. They’re easy and quite convenient to use. If you’re looking for the best payment apps for 2021, then Cash App should be on top of your list.

What Is A Cash App?
Cash App, also known as Cash app by Square and Square Cash, is a free app that’s available for both Apple and Android Smartphone users. Twitter’s co-founder, Jack Dorsey, launched the app in 2009. It lets you send, receive, and request funds from other people. Cash App has become one of the top apps on Google Play and App Store.
You need to be at least 18 years old and a US resident to use the app in the United States. The app is also available in the UK. These are the only 2 countries where Cash App works. You cannot use Cash App to send money internationally, i.e., it only works within the country you have registered or used the app. The rest of this article is specific to the US only although there will be some similarities in the UK.
To become a verified user, you must provide your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number.
You’ll need your phone number or email address to create an account and you’ll be assigned a unique $Cash tag. After signing up, you can request a free Cash App card.
What Is A Cash App Card?
A Cash App card works like a debit card. It allows you to use the balance on your Cash App to pay for goods and services at stores that accept Visa and MasterCard cards. It’s the perfect option if you don’t want to use the funds in your bank account or credit card for your financial transactions because you’re tired of paying fees or to avoid identity theft problems.
How to Load Money on a Cash App Card?
It’s simple to add funds to your Cash App card. Click on the “My Cash” tab on the bottom left corner of your screen
Select “Add Cash” Key in the amount you want to add
Click “Add” Enter your PIN or Touched to confirm
The funds that you add to your card may come from your bank account, debit card, or credit card, depending on which one you linked to your Cash App.
If you linked multiple bank accounts, debit cards, or credit cards, you can choose the one where the funds will come from. After successfully adding the money, it’ll be added to your balance in the Cash App and the Cash App card.
How to Activate A Cash App Card?
There are two ways to activate your Cash App card. You can use the QR code that comes with your card or the CVV number located at the back.
To activate using a QR code:-
· Open the Cash App
· Tap the Cash Card tab
· Tap the Cash Card image
· Select “Activate Cash Card”
· Click OK.
· To activate using the CVV:
· Open the Cash App
· Tap the Cash Card tab
· Tap the Cash Card image
· Choose Activate Cash Card
· Select Use CVV
· Add the CVV code and expiration date of the Cash App card.
How Do You Link A Bank Account WITH A Debit Card To Your Cash App Card?
How Do You Link A Bank Account WITHOUT A Debit Card To Your Cash App Card?
· Open Cash App
· Open the “My Cash” tab (building icon)
· Click “Add a Bank”
· Click the “No Card” option located at the bottom left side of the screen
· Choose from the list of banks supported by Cash App.
· Enter all the information required
Follow remaining instructions to link a bank account to Cash App
How Do You Add A Credit Card To Cash App?
· Open Cash App
· Click on “Banking”
· Tap the “Add Credit Card” option
· Enter credit card information
· Click “Add Card”
Note: You can only add a credit card after you’ve successfully added a bank account.