The functions of this department include: Definition of products: knowing what is being sold is fundamental, as well as knowing who is being sold to europe email list. Thus, it is necessary to investigate changes in the tastes, interests and preferences of customers to adapt the characteristics of the products to the target audience. Establish objectives: the commercials know how much they are capable of selling and therefore they will adapt the production quotas to the sales and purchase objectives. This is also used as a motivational element for the team. Attend and monitor the quality of the product: the sales representatives are the members of the company who best know the products and services offered, and therefore they will detect any change in quality and how it affects sales europe email list.
Communication europe email list with the client: selling is no longer simply convincing. The current customer is informed and requires added values such as good service, advice and communication with the brand through various channels. Troubleshooting: The sale requires follow-up europe email list. The commercial department must be willing to solve doubts and problems that the client has with the product before its acquisition. Therefore, these new functions require new skills. Every good commercial must know the techniques of an effective communicator. Know how to listen, both to clients and colleagues and superiors. Be organized, both in time and space, and keep your client portfolio up to date europe email list.
Be persuasive, that is, know how to sell by appealing to the benefits that the product has for those who buy it. Be informed of market trends and the latest industry news . Be empathetic, friendly and respectful with the client, always favoring a positive and professional climate europe email list. Regardless of the size of your company and the volume of business, having a commercial department is essential for the proper functioning of the company. Even if you are self-employed or freelance, you can incorporate characteristics of the commercial organization into your activity and behavior. If what you want is to become a professional capable of handling different functions and assuming responsibilities and making decisions for the different key areas of the company such as marketing, people management, operations management or finance, do not hesitate to apply. Information about our MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Here europe email list.